Terre Rouge de Saint-Joseph

RĂ©unionTerre Rouge


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28, Chemin Terre Rouge, 97480, Saint-Joseph, Canton de Saint-Joseph, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 692 22 46 20
site web: terrerouge.ellohaweb.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3776867, Longitude: 55.6639733

commentaires 5

  • Lucas Ducatez

    Lucas Ducatez


    The concept is fantastic, the room (the farmhouse) is exceptional, a real harmony between nature and modernity. Rain or shine the charm is amazing. The garden is very beautiful and very well maintained, you can even take a walk there like in a botanical garden. The breakfast as well as the drinks are homemade and are excised! Although the portions are slightly too small. Only negative point: the delay to have a room but which is explained by a desire to be limited to 3 rooms to make quality rather than quantity. Especially since the price is well worth the service and the experience offered. I strongly advise! We also booked before we even left 😂.

  • Yves Hansmann

    Yves Hansmann


    The concept created is a real delight: you really have the impression of living a rare moment in the middle of an exceptional tropical garden in its tastefully decorated "cabins": the place is idyllic, it's a real dream to be lulled by the song of birds in front of the delicious breakfast in the morning with all this nature that surrounds you. The evening meal brought by a young chef is also to be recommended.

  • Mel L

    Mel L


    A beautiful retreat. Unexpectedly at the end of a side street. A little jungle. Each of the cottages is secluded. A great retreat. Of course, the whole thing is rather expensive, but made with a lot of love and therefore you treat yourself to it. The only downside: the extremely noisy dogs at night. I couldn't sleep despite earplugs.

  • Laura V.

    Laura V.


    A wonderful, quite extraordinary place. In the midst of palm trees are three bungalows, without windows and without doors, completely in nature. This is just wonderful. We felt very very comfortable. Breakfast was prepared for each bungalow in the lounge. You could take it to the bungalow or enjoy it outside in front of the salon. Freshly baked cake, fresh juice, yogurt and fruit, plus delicious coffee. It was really fantastic. Fabrice helped us a lot with tips, whether it was an a hike or a restaurant. Also we could enjoy twice the cooking of Nicolas Payet, with a good bottle of wine in the middle of nature in our bungalow. Candice contributes to the perfect vacation with her relaxing massages in the Rouge Bonheur wellness area. And there was a laundry service. We are still delighted and felt like we were in paradise. Merci Fabrice et son team et Ă  bientĂŽt. Birgit and Frank.

  • Michelle StrĂŒcker

    Michelle StrĂŒcker


    Terre rouge is one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen in my life. The bungalow and also the garden is so beautiful and the owner is really friendly and helpful! When you visit La RĂ©union you have to stay there!

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