La case o'gecko974 de Saint-Joseph

RĂ©unionLa case o'gecko974


pas d'information

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56 b, Rue LĂ©on Dierx, 97480, Saint-Joseph, Canton de Saint-Joseph, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 58 30 47
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3764836, Longitude: 55.6307508

commentaires 5

  • Charly Rosse

    Charly Rosse


    If you had to give a score of 1a10, it would be 1 lack of bungalow hygiene which has nothing to do with the photo there are a lot of things to improve very disappointed with the stay

  • Jbs974 Jbs974

    Jbs974 Jbs974


    not terrible, spa not cleaned. The accommodation is small. For the same price we know better.

  • Ana Brg

    Ana Brg


    Very good stay in the south of the island at the case o'gecko. Very friendly hosts, soothing evening on the terrace and breakfast at the top!

  • Anne Nayagom

    Anne Nayagom


    Sparkling welcome, discreet people and charming place! A peaceful night. Excellent breakfast. I highly recommend you.

  • sandra payet

    sandra payet


    Always a warm welcome with fabulous hosts. Top breakfasts with homemade products and really good cuisine

Lodging la plus proche

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