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44, Chemin Matouta, 97480, Saint-Joseph, Canton de Saint-Joseph, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 37 20 27
site web: www.ferme-auberge-desprairies.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3607609, Longitude: 55.7009794

commentaires 5

  • audrey gimmig

    audrey gimmig


    Warm welcome! Comfortable and nicely decorated room! Quality breakfast with homemade products! I highly recommend this place!

  • Jbs974 Jbs974

    Jbs974 Jbs974



  • Api Did

    Api Did


    Hospitality and cuisine are excellent. The friendly atmosphere and the friendliness of the owner are very pleasant. I highly recommend. Don't listen to your GPS if you are coming from the north. Instead, follow the directions on the site otherwise you will get lost in the forest.

  • Solange Petzl

    Solange Petzl


    Excellent value !! Great welcome in this hostel whose rooms are simple but comfortable. The meal is excellent and fed us for the next 3 days 😉 The breakfast is very pleasant with its cakes, jams and fruit from the farm. Mr.Desprairies welcomed us very well and was present throughout the stay, which is very appreciable

  • RĂ©mi Bouilly

    RĂ©mi Bouilly


    We spent 2 nights with family and friends in this hostel. Very nice welcome from the owner who was available, attentive, and full of good advice. The rooms are simple but pleasant and comfortable. The dinner is excellent, we feasted on the products of the farm. Good breakfast too, with delicious homemade jams. A nice place to visit the south.

Lodging la plus proche

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