Pinpin d'Amour de Baril les Hauts

RĂ©unionPinpin d'Amour



🕗 horaire

Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
56 A, Chemin Paul Hoareau, 97442, Baril les Hauts, Canton de Saint-BenoĂźt-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 37 14 86
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.359624, Longitude: 55.7207449

commentaires 5

  • Fanny POULIN

    Fanny POULIN


    Very welcoming owners, Richard is a golden character! Very pretty house with lush garden and terrace overlooking the sea. The rooms are simple but comfortable. I recommend.

  • Keymex Synergie Sandrine

    Keymex Synergie Sandrine


    Richard at the top he says he is a former sports teacher, I think he was a geo or history teacher, he told us a lot about the history of the island and its volcanoes. A real bed and breakfast with a delicious meal served by Marie-Claude again thank you

  • viviane rosfelder

    viviane rosfelder


    Pinpin of love... My love Passing from bed and breakfast to bed and breakfast for 2 weeks, this one is my favorite! We stayed there for two nights. The house makes a very good impression on arrival, and always once inside. The room was very nice, cozy and clean... The meals were very filling and delicious! But none of this is comparable to the hospitality of Richard and Marie-Claude! Thank you again for this stay, these stories, this kindness and this cuisine. I hope to come back one day! Vivian (and Fred)

  • Jennifer Widom

    Jennifer Widom


    Our family finished hiking the GR-R2 a day early in torrential rain with nowhere to stay. Jenny at Coco-Vanille contacted Richard at Pinpin d'Amour who had one remaining room -- he kindly picked us up in town at 9:00pm, wet and bedraggled, and welcomed us to his comfortable and artsy B&B. If only we had time to fully appreciate it! The breakfast was excellent and we were on our way, but if we ever return to the area we would certainly enjoy spending more time at Pinpin d'Amour.

  • George Lin

    George Lin


    Excellent experience! This guest house is located at most wild area of La Reunion, it's very convenient for people who love to visit nature. The most impressive part is the level of service: the owner Richard is super informative, I've learned so much about the local culture and food from him during the guest dinner. On top the breakfast was the best during my visit in this lovely island. I'd love to visit again for sure👍

Lodging la plus proche

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