p'ti case d'éléna de Saint-Joseph

Réunionp'ti case d'éléna


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39, Rue des Zinnias, 97480, Saint-Joseph, Canton de Saint-Joseph, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 692 36 01 51
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3634328, Longitude: 55.7022721

commentaires 5

  • Guillaume Deom

    Guillaume Deom


    Very pleasant experience in the house of Michel and Claudine. These Bretons have been in Reunion for 7 years and share their love of the island without greed. It is essential to share their table for dinner: samosas, curries, desserts and arranged rums are homemade, original and delicious. A quality address at a fair price that offers that "little extra" that won us over.

  • ChloĂ© Chantemesse

    Chloé Chantemesse


    Excellent stay with Michel and Claudine. Top notch hospitality and excellent meals. We really enjoyed our stay with them, like at home. The very friendly atmosphere means that I particularly recommend this place to rest for a few days and spend pleasant moments. Go there with your eyes closed.

  • Alain Harry

    Alain Harry


    Too good the samosa riddles aperitif with a glass of rum for each correct answer! Excellent variety of regional and hearty dishes. What an inexhaustible welcome to local habits and customs. In short, if you are in a hurry do not come đŸ€­




    Warm and family welcome. This guest house, with private bathroom for each room, allows you to share convivial moments. The heated pool is a plus. Meals cooked over a wood fire are excellent. Address to note without hesitation.

  • Emma Brin

    Emma Brin


    My stay with Michel and Claudine, only happiness. A warm and friendly welcome. Their house and the rooms are very pleasant, spacious and comfortable.. If you are in the area, especially not to be missed. And thank you again to both of you, you made me share visits and very beautiful landscapes. PS: being limited in my movements because I have a health pb, so I don't walk bcq. Michel and Claudine bent over backwards to organize my stay with great attention and compassion. They didn't skimp on the hours of driving with their vehicle and their times.

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