Caloupilé de Le Tampon



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9, Rue du General Bonnier, 97430, Le Tampon, Canton du Tampon-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 693 11 66 57
site web:
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Latitude: -21.2624619, Longitude: 55.5249225

commentaires 5

  • Marielle



    Caloupilé was our best accommodation during our 3 week vacation. Very warm welcome, pretty house with garden and small swimming pool, ideally placed between the ocean and the volcano. Excellent breakfast with a discovery of local fruits and homemade pastries. The meals, too, are well worth a restaurant.

  • Julie Terzic

    Julie Terzic


    An exceptional stay in the guest house of Alice and Metin and their adorable daughters. A real pleasure to stay in this pretty, well-kept and impeccably clean house, with the rooms cleaned daily, which is not the case with many gites. A swimming pool will enhance your stay. Very good location near the volcano. Everything is designed to make you feel at home...fridge, washing machine, cold drinks and small snacks available. I end with the best to thank Alice very much for having entertained us so much with her 100% homemade and so varied cuisine, changing rice/carry...we had the chance to dine at her table 2 evenings and it was our best meals on the island. The breakfasts are also at the top of the rankings with cake, jam and homemade yogurts, fresh fruit and even a savory platter (cheese, charcuterie).. a real delight! So happy to have met them, we will come back with pleasure if we have the chance to visit this island again!

  • Raymond ZANCO

    Raymond ZANCO


    Everything is perfect, geographical location between volcano and ocean. Superb room and magnificent breakfast with homemade products. The hosts are very caring

  • adeline volery

    adeline volery


    Alice and Metin are incredible hosts and their Guesthouse is just lovely . the rooms has everything one needs, they are super clean and the beds very confortable. 
and then that breakfast! It is made with a lot of love by Alice with homemade jam, cake and yoghurts! She also prepared us some delicious meals for dinner. both of them took the time to give us advice about what to visit.

  • RĂ©mi Barthes

    RĂ©mi Barthes


    Guest room of a high quality, clean in which you feel good. Alice and her family made us discover the charms of Reunion. The breakfasts are incredibly well stocked. We recommend without hesitation

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