NATURALIA de Saint-Pierre




🕗 horaire

Cité Sacré Coeur, Saint-Pierre 97410, Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 91 68 37
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3268065, Longitude: 55.4738441

commentaires 5

  • Jonathan Lange

    Jonathan Lange


    1-No bicycle parking 2-Mediocre bulk choice (not as much as the other brands on the island) 3- positioning of the bulk too low making it impossible to use its glass container. 4- presence of insects in the bulk 5- extremely polite staff

  • Alain HOARAU

    Alain HOARAU


    Good store. I regret that there is no Loyalty Card (although it exists in France!).

  • AnnePico T

    AnnePico T


    Very pleasant grocery store where to do these races. Stores on a human scale where you can find everything you need. Large selection of bulk products. Very helpful and pleasant staff. Too bad there are not more organic fruits and vegetables (or resonated agriculture) from Reunion (but I think it is not dependent on the brand). Timings are perfect and convenient.

  • Martial Lecarpentier

    Martial Lecarpentier


    Really a great organic store 😊 We really find everything at various prices 👍 Whether on the phone or in store, the employees are incredibly kind 👍

  • Mathieu DELENTE

    Mathieu DELENTE


    Very surprised by the prices of certain articles which are equal to the metropolis and others which are exorbitant... You have to look and compare. An entirely vegan section is a pleasure 🙂 pleasant and available staff.

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