Leader Price de Saint-Pierre

RéunionLeader Price



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Centre commercial, Saint-Pierre 97410, Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 24 38 20
site web: www.leaderprice.re
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.333678, Longitude: 55.467931

commentaires 5

  • Juliette DOMJAN

    Juliette DOMJAN


    Excellent large surface. Great choice and prices. Cleanliness always at the top!

  • Aloha!! Woww

    Aloha!! Woww


    The only small problem is the automatic terminals, the software is terrible.

  • hifadhui attoumani

    hifadhui attoumani


    Honestly I rarely go there Be careful because most of the time everything that says sales on deli meats is outdated stuff. Otherwise the price is reasonable.

  • Jeanine Le Porcher

    Jeanine Le Porcher



  • Nadia Aba

    Nadia Aba


    In terms of price for a price leader it's exactly the same as if you were going shopping at Carrefour and sometimes it's Carrefour which is less expensive. It makes you wonder where the discount price is!!! But hey, sometimes you can get a good deal, you have to go to several food stores and that's a shame. The store itself is not very waterproof when it rains.

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