E.Leclerc Le tampon de Le Tampon

RéunionE.Leclerc Le tampon



🕗 horaire

Rue des Cardamomes, Le Tampon 97430, Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 44 48 30
site web: e.leclerc
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.290363, Longitude: 55.513432

commentaires 5

  • Damien HOARAU

    Damien HOARAU


    We go there especially when we want to go as quickly as possible. The store is well maintained. The parking lot is big enough. There are mainly food products. The shelves are well organized. The cashiers are all respectful and smiling. You can even withdraw cash inside. Close to the national and the city center you can easily access it.

  • Marie josee Premont

    Marie josee Premont


    Well stocked store but the Leclerc des barracks is much bigger. More choice. Just at the entrance of Saint Pierre

  • Dominique SAUTRON

    Dominique SAUTRON



  • Dan DIY Resilient

    Dan DIY Resilient



  • chris Razakason

    chris Razakason



Supermarché la plus proche

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