Leader Price Express de Petite Île

RĂ©unionLeader Price Express



🕗 horaire

111, Rue des Platanes, 97429, Petite Île, Canton de Saint-Pierre-3, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 38 90 92
site web: www.leaderprice.re
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.324404, Longitude: 55.558129

commentaires 5

  • boyer boyer

    boyer boyer


    Listening team, Very good welcome 😁

  • Benito Cabello

    Benito Cabello


    Very complete in terms of references. Very fast and welcoming staff, a 50-space car park well located and accessible to people with reduced mobility A great address for all the inhabitants of the Hauts de Petite Île and Mont Vert

  • cyrille pedre

    cyrille pedre


    Very warm welcome and the shelves are well stocked.

  • STANRECORDS Beatmaker - Reunion Island (STAN RECORDS Beatmaker)

    STANRECORDS Beatmaker - Reunion Island (STAN RECORDS Beatmaker)


    More expensive because in the highs. But there is everything you need.

  • ale x

    ale x


    Friendly welcome, very versatile product (hot item, charcuterie, pastry, pmu...)

Supermarché la plus proche

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