Carrefour Market Saint-Louis de Saint-Louis

RéunionCarrefour Market Saint-Louis



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1, rue des Jamblons, 97450, Saint-Louis, Canton de Saint-Louis-1, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 26 00 88
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.2786641, Longitude: 55.4185225

commentaires 5

  • Clemence Lecomte

    Clemence Lecomte


    Then it's fine. Cashier unsmiling and welcoming. can do better

  • Celim T.

    Celim T.


    The place seems very clean because it is brand new. I was surprised not to see a "zero waste" zone and I was told that it was because they were out of "- 30%" and "- 50%" labels (!) Some time later, I wonder again about this absence and I meet the manager, who proudly explains to me that it is because he orders his products better from suppliers, that he no longer has losses (!) And therefore no longer need an area with products with short dates... I think very clearly that this gentleman has raised the "futage of mouth" to a very very high level! And I will add a small downside to our checkout ... There is this little box that is supposed to ask our opinion on the work of the cashier (!) It's not very classy... What if we anonymously noted the performance of the manager?!? CQFD

  • Olivier Peythieu

    Olivier Peythieu


    It's a small convenience store, the products are not necessarily cheaper than elsewhere. The place is however well maintained and clear.

  • subodh sharma

    subodh sharma


    Its really nice

  • sameer khan Jafferbeg

    sameer khan Jafferbeg


    The best heaven on earth...will come back again.

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