Comptoir Du Surgelé de Saint-Louis

RéunionComptoir Du Surgelé



🕗 horaire

1, N1C, 97450, Saint-Louis, Canton de Saint-Louis-1, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 43 48 48
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.2866903, Longitude: 55.4090981

commentaires 5

  • MĂ©lanie Tlg

    MĂ©lanie Tlg


    Nice layout a lot of choice but the prices are exorbitant .. the promotional prices are more expensive than the normal prices in supermarkets or equivalent stores

  • Sebastien Hoarau

    Sebastien Hoarau


    Pleasant good product all year long welcomes nice. Too bad for the worker team changes. Customers accustomed to the store and also to are personal. Yet highly motivated young people. After that. I like the products.

  • DĂ©borah THELIS

    DĂ©borah THELIS


    Since its opening I have nothing to say. Affordable price for me I recommend

  • GĂ©raldine Corre

    GĂ©raldine Corre


    You can find everything and of good quality ... and the staff is really pleasant, smiling. Even if it's a bit far for me, I prefer to drive to St Louis because I always find what I'm looking for.




    Store with a lot of choices. Prices have increased a bit in recent weeks but some items are only found in this store. A must for lovers of pastry or easy and quick cooking.

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