Leader Price de Saint-Joseph

RéunionLeader Price



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23, Rue Raphael Babet, 97480, Saint-Joseph, Canton de Saint-Pierre-3, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 56 55 85
site web: www.leaderprice.re
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3799883, Longitude: 55.6076398

commentaires 5

  • Bernard SMITH

    Bernard SMITH


    Needs a facelift, especially the exterior. The small shopping mall would also benefit from being enhanced. The prices are not those of a discount, far from it, but other stores around are even more expensive.

  • Gmail Eric

    Gmail Eric


    A lot of choices. May be too much. Quality products, but not always highlighted (especially fresh) Store too deep, shelving too long, which gives a little warm side and which does not allow strolling. Lacks a central aisle. The store config is like this

  • Firas Abrash

    Firas Abrash


    Good Prices, have everything. Recommended

  • Pascaline Hoarau

    Pascaline Hoarau


    My favorite local supermarket, you can find quality products there, it is rarely crowded, only downside, in the butcher's department they clean their ground beef machine at 5.30 p.m., so for those who finish at 6 p.m. no fresh ground beef, a little Too bad, especially since it closes at 7:30 p.m.…

  • Aud Aud

    Aud Aud



Supermarché la plus proche

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