Leader Price de Le Tampon

RĂ©unionLeader Price



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344, Rue Hubert Delisle, 97430, Le Tampon, Canton du Tampon-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 57 54 30
site web: www.leaderprice.re
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.272738, Longitude: 55.5127776

commentaires 5

  • christelle lorion

    christelle lorion


    Affordable price nice welcome

  • G.M.P Groupe Multimedia Productions

    G.M.P Groupe Multimedia Productions


    Convenient store. Following our last visit, we were able to see a marked improvement in the display of prices, the welcome was cordial and pleasant, the store clean and tidy, despite the limited space. We give you 4 stars, congratulations continue your efforts, the 5 stars are within your reach. Revision of the note at the next visit.




    As always the store is pleasant and well stocked. The staff is available and friendly. There is space to park. A good little supermarket for those who don't want to do their shopping in the crowd.

  • Yvette Carassou

    Yvette Carassou


    Good morning ! For me the most interesting is when it's on sale, they often do so it's cool I also like when they do for deferred checks. 👍

  • Frab Olo

    Frab Olo



Supermarché la plus proche

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