Score Three Mares de Le Tampon

RéunionScore Three Mares



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5, Rue Charles Baudelaire, 97430, Le Tampon, Canton du Tampon-1, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 57 33 07
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.2615179, Longitude: 55.5045568

commentaires 5

  • Tyno D

    Tyno D


    It's a good store with a lot of potential for an old-time friendliness. The downside is that 2 articles out of 10 are labels there is no promo follow-up, at the hot spot he always waits for us to take an interest in you, that's not normal.




    Well stocked store. Fairly large parking lot. Really not bad. But to avoid during peak periods, it is then very difficult to circulate in the rays.

  • Laurent DIJOUX

    Laurent DIJOUX


    The rare prices displayed only very rarely correspond to the articles concerned, you must be very vigilant. In their hot spot, it takes most of the time to be patient because the staff is only present once randomly for the first 2 or three customers before slipping away and returning 5 to 10 minutes later. for the others. It's true that the staff is nice, but they need a manager worthy of the name to avoid this kind of remark...

  • Hamidoullah Patel

    Hamidoullah Patel


    When it's not on sale, the items are expensive. The promotional items of the day are not well indicated.

  • Jessica HUGON

    Jessica HUGON


    Store too small but you can find the essentials.

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