NOVEO Supéco de Saint-Pierre

RéunionNOVEO Supéco



🕗 horaire

61, Chemin Recherchant CD28, 97432, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-1, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 49 50 57
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.2856103, Longitude: 55.4809586

commentaires 5





  • Loic Boyer

    Loic Boyer


    Bad attendance in front of the grocery store but helps out well

  • Eve 421

    Eve 421


    Hours very suitable for local customers. You can find almost everything you need at the last minute. Quick races. I missed the neighborhood shops. We do not go there for the smile but for the practicality. Thank you for being open this January 1st morning. I had no more bread for my guests in the morning, I was very happy with your availability.

  • Georges Soubou

    Georges Soubou


    This small neighborhood self-service had its hour of glory before the opening of the supermarket located less than two minutes from it. It should have continued, wanting to have exorbitant prices, many customers fled, personal just there to work without more. It is strongly advised to look at the expiry dates.

  • Hair By Arnaud

    Hair By Arnaud


    So, at first when you are a respectable and respectful person, I strongly advise against the place. It will have already taken more than a month as a customer to hope for a hello or even a word that would make you want to come back. I'm rather tenacious, you'll be told... Nevertheless, this is nothing compared to the fact that the manager has a bar attached and only takes care of his customers inside, knowing that this gentleman, happily sells them alcohol and lets them go out with their bottle of dodo in the parking lot of their supermarket I let you imagine when you come out of an intense day of work and, as you get out of your car parked in their parking lot, having to endure laughter, insults and, moreover, mockery all kinds An unusual place that deserves no respect or even the slightest interest I absolutely do not recommend this establishment which, in my opinion, believes itself to be above the law and even less morality!!! I myself am a merchant and I will make it my duty to advise my customers who, unfortunately, could fall by chance into what looks in all respects to "the red inn". To good consumer hello.

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