E.Leclerc Le Tampon de Le Tampon

RéunionE.Leclerc Le Tampon



🕗 horaire

165, Rue Hubert Delisle, 97430, Le Tampon, Canton du Tampon-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 57 91 57
site web: e.leclerc
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.2822094, Longitude: 55.5179176

commentaires 5

  • bestel jean marc

    bestel jean marc


    Nice place, good parking, good various shops, clean toilets but no smile on various vendors shops

  • Ravin Ramasawmy

    Ravin Ramasawmy


    A very good shopping place and competitive prices in the region

  • Ravin Ramasawmy

    Ravin Ramasawmy


    Good shopping centre with affordable prices

  • Rajan K.

    Rajan K.


    Great place for a walk in a tropical forest. No crowds. Just beautiful, to be one with nature. Absolutely safe.

  • Bryan



    Name says it all. It's what I imagine a crackhead expo to be like. Choas, no order, no lines, people buying and selling in the aisles not in the registers and lots of bartering in strange mumbling languages that makes no sense. You will either spend too much for too less or too less for too much. There is no in between. There are also no aisles, just piles of food that get dumped regularly you have to fight over. You will enjoy the open intox and free booze available. Typically on Thursday evenings you can watch fights in the back over the larger produce items like Melons and Pineapple. Bring steel toed shoes.

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