E.Leclerc Les Casernes de Saint-Pierre

RéunionE.Leclerc Les Casernes



🕗 horaire

Les Casernes, Saint-Pierre 97410, Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 54 54 20
site web: www.e-leclerc.re
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3264889, Longitude: 55.4865216

commentaires 5

  • Johan Van Zyl

    Johan Van Zyl


    Great shopping centre. They have everything you can think of and more. The only problem found is that they cater for none French-speaking tourists. Everything is in French. If you are a tourist ensure you have Google translate on your phone because you are going to need it.

  • JD Et AMIS Channel

    JD Et AMIS Channel


    Lots of selection

  • Roseline Surveillant

    Roseline Surveillant


    Brand new mall nearby downtown Saint Pierre. Large choice of products. Nice range of food for end of year celebrations. Fine😊

  • Eric Le Roux

    Eric Le Roux


    After a long closure, nice to have this shopping centre open again. Good offers, extremely friendly and helpful staff.

  • Jacques Libert

    Jacques Libert



Supermarché la plus proche

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