Orky-Mel, Gîte et Chambres d'hôtes de Petite Île

RéunionOrky-Mel, Gîte et Chambres d'hôtes



🕗 horaire

3, Chemin Zaire, 97429, Petite Île, Canton de Saint-Pierre-3, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 56 88 98
site web: orkymel.fr
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3374879, Longitude: 55.5498752

commentaires 5

  • Els Verheyen

    Els Verheyen


    Thanks Florian and Mom for the very nice time we had @ your chambre d'hôtes and table d'hôtes. The room were spacious, clean. The diner was delicious and authentic creol style. We really felt the passion you have for cooking and receiving guests. Grtz Jan, Els, Joris, Hilde, Daan and Jade

  • Havanna Karsten

    Havanna Karsten


    We have to give a top recommendation for multiple reasons: 1. Room was clean, beautiful and good smelling. 2. Very nice bath. 3. Tasty local food for dinner together with the owner + great conversation (English). 4. Very friendly and professional. 5. Tasty self made drinks & schnapps :) Defenitely worth a stay!

  • Miguel Terrero

    Miguel Terrero


    Excellent option. The owners are extremely kind and friendly, always eager to offer advice. The rooms are more than adequate. The breakfast and dinner quality are well above expected, with plenty of local food. A perfect option in this region of Reunion.

  • Max



    Florian is a great host and will tell you all about the things to do in the area. Also he is a great chef and will let you taste a lot of the local vegetables and fruits. Everything is home made and delicious. The rooms are comfortable and spacious.

  • Jorn Geraets

    Jorn Geraets


    Had a great stay here. When we had to get up really early we were provided with a breakfast basket and there's a 'souvenir' when you leave

Lodging la plus proche

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