L'Oasis de Terre Rouge de Saint-Pierre

RĂ©unionL'Oasis de Terre Rouge



🕗 horaire

41, Chemin Mezino, 97410, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 692 31 28 80
site web: oasisdeterrerouge.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3438661, Longitude: 55.5035832

commentaires 5

  • Ginette STOCKER

    Ginette STOCKER


    Only positive 😁. Very good situation of the residence, in the nature, near the main roads. Thanks to the welcome from Sophie and JĂ©rĂŽme, their advice, the facilities themselves, the swimming pool, the decor and the cleanliness, our stay was wonderful.

  • Cyril Happe

    Cyril Happe


    Another big thank you to JĂ©rĂŽme for his welcome. An exceptional place. A great stay in a very nice location. A big thank you also for the kindness of Jocelyne.

  • nadine happe

    nadine happe


    A small paradise within this magnificent island!! Very nice welcome from JĂ©rĂŽme but also from Jocelyne, the site is great and very quiet, while being close to St Pierre..we recommend!!!

  • Andrea Giddey

    Andrea Giddey


    Agreeable stay, clean and friendly.

  • cĂ©cile Capot

    cécile Capot


    The Red Earth Oasis is aptly named. A corner of paradise, on a spectacular island! We stayed in June (period of tourist hollow) what happiness for us, a pleasant calm a comfortable apartment decorated with great taste! We feel so good there that it's hard to take off to visit the breathtaking landscapes that Reunion has to offer! The welcome from the owners is simply magical! They know and advise on good addresses and sites to see, caterers, etc... we would have liked to have stayed longer listening to them. The well-appointed swimming pool, secure parking, splendid gardens: it's all there! and the location in Saint Pierre in the middle of the sugar cane fields, great! One thing is certain, the next time we will stay our entire stay at the Red Earth Oasis!

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