Hotel l'Endormi de Saint-Pierre

RĂ©unionHotel l'Endormi


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11, Rue du PresbytĂšre, 97410, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 25 77 89
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Latitude: -21.3368928, Longitude: 55.4794158

commentaires 5

  • Johny Dvoƙky

    Johny Dvoƙky


    For the price, it's great to stay overnight in this locationđŸ‘đŸ»

  • dJ jAcKdA

    dJ jAcKdA


    Modest room.... But good reception, air conditioning and private dryer for 50e...

  • Skaly Dragon

    Skaly Dragon


    Welcoming receptionist. Snack sweets / chocolate bars at the entrance. In partnership with House Pizza which are super efficient, beautiful pizzas (menu card at the entrance). Super comfortable bed! Television in the bedrooms. Very affordable prices. However, dust and webs in the corners of the room!!!

  • Kiki



    Very good reception, but the sheets lack whiteness, 1 mini soap for 2, and a shower curtain will not be a luxury

  • eric leroy

    eric leroy


    I'd rather rate it 2 and 1/2 star. Depending on the room you get and when you book. Avoid weekends,the hotel is too close to the night activities area and can be quite noisy. Upstairs is better. But my room (their cheapest) was OK for a short stay with fan and Wi-Fi,hot water ,towels..(only my pillows were terrible!). And they sell water, coffee ,biscuits,bars.... But downstairs when you open the room window for fresh air the sight just before you is quite uninspiring.

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