Hôtel Le Soleil Couchant de Saint Pierre

RéunionHôtel Le Soleil Couchant



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Saint Pierre 97410, Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 52 40 17
site web: hotel-le-soleil-couchant.business.site
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.332703, Longitude: 55.5276086

commentaires 5

  • franck david

    franck david


    Hotel with a superb view, I was a little disappointed by the lack of soundproofing of the rooms (the noisy pee from my neighbor at 11:34 p.m. confirmed this impression). The rooms are medium in size with the advantage of a nice little private terrace. The curtains are not blackout and the morning light can get in the way a bit for a lie-in. The set remains a bit dated but functional, apart from the fridge which I had to unplug because it was too noisy (it had the merit of being there) The boss provides the necessary to cook, cutlery, microwave and table, very good initiative. The welcome is friendly

  • Valérie Ferraton

    Valérie Ferraton


    We stayed at this hotel for a week. This hotel is family run which makes it very pleasant and friendly. The owners are very available and answer all our questions, they tell us the hikes to do, the restaurants, the villages to visit. The breakfast is very good, with homemade jams. The room is very well equipped with a mini fridge. It is located on the heights of Saint Pierre with a breathtaking view of the bay.

  • Florence Boy

    Florence Boy


    The welcome and the setting are excellent, breakfast with the view of the mountains a real pleasure for the eyes. The advice of the hosts during the stay also very appreciable. On the other hand, the bedding needs to be reviewed.

  • francesco simone

    francesco simone


    Clean, Comfortable and nice.

  • Sebastian Wolff

    Sebastian Wolff


    Wunderful view!

Lodging la plus proche

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