Palmer de Saint-Pierre




🕗 horaire

38, Chemin du Cimetiere, 97410, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-3, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 693 70 08 21
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3335298, Longitude: 55.5318701

commentaires 3

  • Laetitia Meslet

    Laetitia Meslet


    We had a pleasant stay with Lucie and Evenor. The accommodation is well equipped, well located for visiting the ups and downs of Saint Pierre. Our hosts were very attentive to us while remaining discreet. I only put four stars because the accommodation would need a little refreshment, for the rest it was perfect.

  • Mathis Noyel

    Mathis Noyel


    Very good stay! Perfect home!

  • Christian Hoareau

    Christian Hoareau


    Housing the Palmer We had a very pleasant one-month stay in August 2020 in Lucie and Evenor's Palmer accommodation and we kept wonderful memories. First of all by the warm welcome of these two beautiful, discreet, very pleasant people and also by their spacious accommodation (the Palmer) very well equipped where we appreciate this large terrace with a view of the sea and its calm. We keep very good memories of our stay and we recommend it to anyone who wants to spend a pleasant holiday outside of a tourist crowd. This accommodation is well located on the heights of Saint-Pierre with a very appreciable microclimate. Thanks again to our Hosts Lucie and Evenor. Christian and Christina

Lodging la plus proche

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