Les Terrasses de Grande Anse de Petite Ile, Réunion

RéunionLes Terrasses de Grande Anse



🕗 horaire

63, 65 chemin Neuf, Petite Ile, Réunion 97429, Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 692 08 71 93
site web: lesterrassesdegrandeanse.fr
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.370864, Longitude: 55.560425

commentaires 5

  • krishna MANICON-VELIN

    krishna MANICON-VELIN


    Super places super owners worth a detour quiet place

  • Raphael Pelenc

    Raphael Pelenc


    The owner is very welcoming, accommodating and kind. The setting is beautiful and very quiet which is very pleasant especially in the morning when you get up with a view of the ocean. The swimming pool is appreciable especially when you know that most beaches are forbidden to swim because of sharks.

  • Cecile TATOT

    Cecile TATOT


    The calm, the sea and the songs of birds We stayed 6 nights at Maison Badamier, in June 2018. The villa is in very good condition, clean and very very well equipped! We lack for nothing thanks to Pascal, the owner. From the kitchen to the bathroom and even the outside, everything is done to make you feel at home and not miss anything! The swimming pool turned out to be very pleasant, in the afternoon to cool off and observe the straws-in-queue, as at nightfall, to relax our weary legs after hiking and enjoy the absolute calm that emanates from this place ! Breakfast on the terrace overlooking the sea and the sugar cane, accompanied each morning by birdsong (some have nested nearby). Rejuvenating! Petite-Ile is a central place which allowed us to find our friends who live in Saint Pierre, to visit the whole "Wild South", the Garden of Perfumes and Spices in Saint Philippe, to do ULM in Pierrefonds and to explore a tunnel of lava on the Tampon side. We were able to enjoy the nearby Grand'Anse beach. Absolutely recommended rental. We will definitely go back!

  • Daniel Gauthray

    Daniel Gauthray


    Having given a note without comment, I allow myself to recommend this place for a good holiday. By the way, the website works very well.... 2 steps from the beach...

  • Hoarau Eric

    Hoarau Eric


    Very nice place and the beach right next to it

Lodging la plus proche

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