MagMade de Saint-Denis




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20, Rue Rontaunay, 97400, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 94 61 37
site web:
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Latitude: -20.875845, Longitude: 55.448982

commentaires 5

  • JĂšrĂšmy Cyriaque

    JĂšrĂšmy Cyriaque


    Cozy tea room with a warm welcome, the range of teas that can be chosen is quite vast. The syrups are homemade as well as the pastries. One of the good addresses to remember to share a friendly moment around a snack.

  • daniel chaland

    daniel chaland


    Very nice home Everything is tasty I recommend

  • Sabrina S

    Sabrina S


    Pure PleasuređŸ€— The food is delicious, "home made" and of high quality. We started with a savory formula: semolina gouda pie, lemongrass ginger tea, and a Lebanese dessert with orange blossom. To finish in gourmet mode with a crispy chocolate cake and a strawberry Pavlova. Let's not forget the coffee which was exceptionally tasty. The owner is welcoming and gives good advice. I really recommend this calm and peaceful place.

  • Richard Rouanet

    Richard Rouanet


    Original cuisine with well-matched flavors, all presented with care for a very reasonable price and pleasant service. Finally, to spoil nothing, the room is comfortable and the decoration sought after. A great time, I sincerely recommend.

  • Christophe Chevalier

    Christophe Chevalier


    Absolutely Excellent. A marriage of tastes and foods very fine and well combined in a clear and calm setting. I recommend. Semolina cake with dried duck breast with baked vegetables. Then a chocolate and tangor mousse. ;)

Café la plus proche

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