bois la tasse de Saint-Denis

RĂ©unionbois la tasse



🕗 horaire

12, Rue Alexis de Villeneuve, 97400, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.8774671, Longitude: 55.4486542

commentaires 5

  • Garance Le bars

    Garance Le bars


    Great atmosphere, adorable team and the best snack of our stay (special mention for the cinnamon roll, the cheesecake and the carrot cake 🧡). With my friends, we tasted everything without missing a beat, it was great. Thank you 💐




    A superb cafĂ© combining good quality in the kitchen and welcoming staff! I was able to test the different drinks, as well as the cakes and I was never disappointed! A little special mention for their raspberry matcha layer cake 💗 ++ do not hesitate to order cakes for your birthdays (I made an order of brownie with 3 chocolates and it was incredible)

  • salma randera

    salma randera


    An exceptional discovery. I had an iced caramel latte and a cinnamon roll. And just wow! The latte is creamy, tasty and sweet just right, the cinnamon roll has nothing to envy to those you can find in some chains, not only is it good but the size of the brioche as much to say that we got his money's worth. 10 € in total I do not regret and I will come back for sure !!

  • jade b

    jade b


    An essential café in Saint Denis. The team is smiling and pleasant. The products are of high quality and the meals are hearty. Always a pleasure to go there!

  • K f

    K f


    My favorite cafe in Saint Denis without a doubt. The owners are very pleasant and you can tell that they run this café with their hearts. The prices are consistent with the quality of the product: homemade, with good ingredients and what a delight! A bit small, of course, but that's what gives me all the warmth and charm of the place, ideally located opposite the cathedral.

Café la plus proche

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