by Glad CAFÉ de Saint-Denis

RĂ©unionby Glad CAFÉ



🕗 horaire

40, Rue de Nice, 97400, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.8732461, Longitude: 55.4502657

commentaires 5

  • Myriam Hassani

    Myriam Hassani


    Hello, super expensive for what it is. Especially the cup of chocolate and the piece of bread and butter that falls for breakfast.

  • Lau D. (Blondie)

    Lau D. (Blondie)


    A cafe where it is good to come and have breakfast, to test one of these four for lunch 👀 The service is impeccable, the products good, as much the coffee as their little biscuits. A place that has everything to please :)

  • Helene Baron

    Helene Baron


    Varied breakfast formulas. Very nice showcase. Appetizing sandwiches correct prices in view of the quality contrary to other opinions. Very nice home. Warm atmosphere that makes you want to stay. I'm not a fan of the croissant đŸ„...a taste of fermentation? The yeast ?

  • Boris SCHMITT

    Boris SCHMITT


    The prices are quite reasonable, everything is fresh and very good, the waitresses are very smiling and give good advice. A setting that takes us out of the city, in short you can go there with your eyes closed.

  • Belinda BANOR

    Belinda BANOR


    Great welcome! Quiet despite the busy street. I love the principle of quotes written all over the establishment. Especially the one at the entrance 😅 "Entry forbidden to complainers"

Café la plus proche

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