Koru Café de Saint-Denis

RéunionKoru Café



🕗 horaire

Rue Jules Auber, 97400, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 693 48 58 03
site web: www.korucafe.fr
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.8782478, Longitude: 55.4525243

commentaires 5

  • Delcia Run

    Delcia Run


    Improvised breakfast in this very pleasant place. We chose 2 very generous breakfast menus with a smoothie, long coffee and cappuccino... it was delicious. The service is quick and the staff friendly. The adjoining bookstore allowed us to find gifts for the holidays. We will be back very soon to taste salty.

  • Pauline Gadet

    Pauline Gadet


    Perfect place for breakfast. We took formulas (avocado toast for me, sandwiches for him). The products are fresh, everything tasted great and the coffee was very good. You feel good there and the staff is nice. I recommend !

  • pascal aspord

    pascal aspord



  • Cindy Pappas - Enault

    Cindy Pappas - Enault


    The best fresh and healthy food...I love their quiche and salad! You must order the large coffee with chantilly with an incrediblly delicious dessert!

  • Rajavanya S

    Rajavanya S


    Place is beautiful, food and drinks were good too. Price is okay I guess. But for a place that actively promotes itself as a co-working space, the internet was disappointing. (FYI I didn't try their dedicated co-working plan/space, this is just after trying their 1hr free wifi coupon that they offer if you ask for after getting coffee). I think 'Coffee house/shop de bourbon' is better in case you want to get some quick work done. but maybe their dedicated co-working plans have better internet.

Café la plus proche

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