Donut's kafe de Saint-Denis

RĂ©unionDonut's kafe



🕗 horaire

81, Rue Jules Auber, 97400, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 693 99 45 25
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.8771629, Longitude: 55.4524017

commentaires 5

  • Chlo



    It is a place that I have been frequenting for a few years and they are currently the best in the field in Reunion. I only go there for the donuts and the sweet donuts (I haven't tried the salty yet). They are very comfortable and of good quality. Basically, I'm not a fan of donuts because the icing is often an insufficient quantity compared to the donut. And, indeed, it is in my opinion a little the case but they are still good. On the other hand, the filled donuts are terrible: like the Boston Dream and the nutella. They are generous and the tastes are fair.

  • eric leroy

    eric leroy


    If you like Donuts plus some nice home made juices it's the place. Of note: pleasant funky music.

  • Princess Eria

    Princess Eria


    Excellent đŸ‘ŒđŸœ

  • GĂ©raldine Moana

    GĂ©raldine Moana


    I've been a loyal customer ever since I discovered this cafe's donuts and bagels. The flavors are very rich and diverse. The donuts are either filled or not (with a topping and decoration in this case). The bagels are fresh, with interesting compositions (salmon, avocado, chicken, cheddar etc...). The staff takes great care of their customers. Always smiling and very friendly.

  • RaphaĂ«lle Martinez

    Raphaëlle Martinez


    Excellent donuts!

Café la plus proche

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