Leader Price de Saint-André

RéunionLeader Price



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55, Chemin Lefaguyes, 97440, Saint-André, Canton de Saint-André-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 692 64 73 87
site web: www.leaderprice.re
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.962248, Longitude: 55.6592993

commentaires 5

  • Mickael Lozange

    Mickael Lozange



  • Philippe SAUVAJON

    Philippe SAUVAJON


    A good convenience store, well stocked, and, for a leading price, with a lot of local products. Interesting promotions and first price products.

  • Viviane Fleuricourt

    Viviane Fleuricourt


    Cleaner than the previous one (near the old Super U. Much airier and better stocked. Downside: the prices are somewhat excessive but remain reasonable compared to competitors.

  • Maiposa03 Alz

    Maiposa03 Alz


    The security guards are too stuffy, there are much bigger businesses than this one, but the guards aren't as intrusive. They lurk in all the departments as if we were thieves...

  • Marie Patricia Trules

    Marie Patricia Trules


    New place it is located instead of Weldom Saint-André. Leader price very clean .. tidy top department ... Very warm welcome

Supermarché la plus proche

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