Jumbo Score de Saint-BenoĂźt

RĂ©unionJumbo Score



🕗 horaire

6, Chemin Goyaves, 97470, Saint-BenoĂźt, Canton de Saint-BenoĂźt-1, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 92 95 95
site web: www.carrefour-reunion.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.034665, Longitude: 55.704636

commentaires 5

  • Rossolin Jerome

    Rossolin Jerome



  • Romain M. (r0wm1x)

    Romain M. (r0wm1x)


    Very nice renovation for this supermarket. The freshening up was necessary and the move upmarket is being felt. We find the same level as the Carrefour de Sainte Suzanne or Sainte Clotilde. A real plus for Saint Benedict. Carts have been changed and are now available. At the entrance, a choice of snacks and takeaway meals is available. Ideal for those looking to grab something for lunch quickly. Self-service checkouts are also available. Nice effort of renewal. Worth coming to see. 👍

  • Guillaume Delange

    Guillaume Delange


    Large, rather clean, a pity to have come in the middle of a reorganization because a lot of shelves were empty or in the process of being emptied, which limited the choices quite a bit in certain categories of products. Certain prices were also not displayed, in particular at the charcuterie level. The store is still practical and accessible

  • Ashwin Bala

    Ashwin Bala


    Good experience

  • Pajero 974

    Pajero 974



Supermarché la plus proche

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