Run Market Duparc Sainte-Marie de Sainte-Marie

RéunionRun Market Duparc Sainte-Marie



🕗 horaire

32, Rue Michel Ange, 97438, Sainte-Marie, Canton de Sainte-Marie, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 97 79 74
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.8999166, Longitude: 55.5176879

commentaires 5

  • Lucia Fernandes

    Lucia Fernandes


    Negative experience on a Christmas shopping visit recently: 100g of artisan butter on sale for €3.50, looked promising, always looking for some real butter. Unfortunately, turned out the butter had a stale and sour taste. Very disappointing. I call it 'selling with a deceitful intention'. Knowing your product is about to expire, yet refusing to sell at a reduced price. Expiry date was 31st Jan 2021. Too close for a dairy product like butter. I also like to call it 'thievery'. Happy holidays Run Market.

  • Rigg Rental

    Rigg Rental


    Great shopping centre-doing nice things for the kids over the Christmas season. A variety of stores and restaurants- I enjoyed it

  • Manikam Thomas

    Manikam Thomas


    Nice place variety of goods

  • k Rl

    k Rl


    Good variety of things. However electrical area very cluttered. Good atmosphere there. Very " sympa"

  • Anoop Behary

    Anoop Behary


    Good place Nice time to go with family

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