Super U - Beauséjour de Sainte-Marie

RéunionSuper U - Beauséjour



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Sainte-Marie 97438, Réunion
contact téléphone: +262
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9208341, Longitude: 55.5288849

commentaires 5

  • cédric pitou

    cédric pitou


    Modern store with everything you need for a house or apartment. The shelves are tidy, clean and modern. The staff is available and welcoming.

  • Cedric Delaporte

    Cedric Delaporte


    The parking lot is not very clean because people are falling because of coke on the ground but otherwise it's good. Small store but you can find everything you need. The cashiers are friendly. But otherwise it's fine.

  • Dominique Metais

    Dominique Metais


    Small but containing the essentials of everyday needs. Perfect.

  • marie annie Chan

    marie annie Chan


    Not very convenient because it is open like the offices. Not open between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. Underground car park not sufficiently ventilated and you breathe exhaust fumes there. Store poorly stocked. No choice. You can hardly find the first necessities there.

  • Stéphane Heurtin

    Stéphane Heurtin


    Supermarket near my home, there are many interesting articles for Mr. and Mrs. everyone. However, for my part, I only rarely go there anymore because I am looking for the path to a certain ecological and moral virtue. Too many articles come from industry and contribute, as in any supermarket, to the poor health of the population and to the overconsumption as well as the pollution of our environment with all the plastic used for packaging, not to mention toxic items due to their content. In short, you will have understood a supermarket as many like them.

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