Leader Price de Sainte-Clotilde

RéunionLeader Price



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28, Avenue Marcel Hoarau, 97490, Sainte-Clotilde, Canton de Saint-Denis-4, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 29 82 55
site web: www.leaderprice.re
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9012767, Longitude: 55.4913984

commentaires 5

  • Phoénix974 Phoénix

    Phoénix974 Phoénix


    After a second passage always a wonderful welcome!

  • Tifanie Henrique

    Tifanie Henrique


    First time shopping at this store and I'm quite happy with it. Affordable prices accessible for small budget I find. You can find everything there easily.

  • Dovan Guedj (Supain)

    Dovan Guedj (Supain)


    We regularly went shopping with my cousin on weekends when I was sleeping at his house and today for no reason, the security guard attacked my cousin. Came because we will certainly never go again... That's why : We were doing our shopping quietly, taking our articles as we went along in a little disorderly way because there was no list, so we went back to the entrance to the promotions to take more pasta then we resumed our visit and the security guard called us and asked staring at my cousin's little backpack. He tells her that he didn't see it when he came in, no worries my cousin shows him, then without really knowing why, asks him what the other bag is, which is a freezer bag in which we put cool items to keep them cool, shopping time what, like anyone. (And because the bag was branded with a pharmacy ad he thought it was a medicine bag, LOL) The guard then demanded that my cousin leave the bag there at the entrance to the store, while we were doing the shopping and therefore WE NEEDED IT. My cousin tried to explain it to him, we didn't understand, he took a dislike to it and got bored, my cousin didn't insist, we put the items back in the freezer as he asked and we left. Even his colleague didn't seem to understand his reasoning, when he saw that my cousin didn't understand why he was being bullied. He checks the bags, it's normal, it's his job. That he can ask to verify that we have paid for everything AFTER going to the checkout too, but there we were STILL doing our shopping, we were annoying no one and we were treated like dirty people and thieves. To believe that the guard was in a bad mood and just wanted to attack someone for no reason. Or that he had a misplaced need for authority because I quote "he didn't see us enter" (yet we went back normally, we even took a basket / trolley and took our time. If not for the store, in itself it helps out well, but it's really not welcoming, it looks like it stayed in the 90s without decoration, like today's hard discount without the prices and while in metropolitan France the Leader Prices have been able to evolve. In addition, it often happens that certain shelves are empty, sometimes you don't find things that you usually find everywhere (ham or semi-thick fresh cream in a jar, for example, while you find raw ham and raclette will understand...) And so to that is added this misadventure, for a chore which is already not pleasant to do but which is completely disgusting with the mentality of the store when it was close and practical for my cousin. Do not enter with a freezer bag in any case! 😜

  • Eileen Fuhrmann

    Eileen Fuhrmann


    Not enough parking spots at all ! And the exit of the parking lot was simply closed so you had to turn around and leave through the entrance where lots and lots of cars were waiting for a parking spot to become free... we didn't even enter the supermarket , we sinply turned around and drove off. Can't recommend going there after 4pm

  • k Rl

    k Rl


    Meat section quite poor. No fresh meat, only frozen section. Dommage!

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