Carrefour Market Moufia de Sainte-Clotilde

RéunionCarrefour Market Moufia



🕗 horaire

9 rue du Bosquet, Résidence les Olympiades, Sainte-Clotilde 97490, Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 28 20 28
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9057913, Longitude: 55.4821358

commentaires 5

  • Israël JEUNE

    Israël JEUNE


    This is where I shop regularly. It's close to my house and I find everything I need.

  • Clement Desmares

    Clement Desmares


    Ideal for doing some shopping nearby, rather attractive price, lots of promotions, pay attention to the state of fresh products anyway.

  • Stephane 974kerkreol

    Stephane 974kerkreol


    the prices are expensive and the store is not very clean. but help out here.... Is there a bigger parking lot?

  • Ketty BOYER

    Ketty BOYER


    Ideal for making useful purchases. The store is well supplied and it seems to me that the prices are lower or else, as it is a small store, we are not tempted by compulsive purchases of unnecessary products. The staff is welcoming and smiling. It might be missing a bit of a refresh. And a better organization for parking.

  • Maeva Salamala

    Maeva Salamala



Supermarché la plus proche

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