E.Leclerc Bras Panon de Bras-Panon

RéunionE.Leclerc Bras Panon



🕗 horaire

4, Rue des Lilas, 97412, Bras-Panon, Canton de Saint-André-3, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 50 02 79
site web: e.leclerc
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.002447, Longitude: 55.67722

commentaires 5

  • marie claude

    marie claude


    Price absent Security guard following you for no reason, he should have been better in the department where the candy wrappers were open. He would have done his job

  • Marie



    I came to do my shopping on Saturday and I was surprised to see a bottle of oasis on promotion at 2.99 because I have never paid an oasis at 3 euros a bottle normal price

  • michele LEFEVRE

    michele LEFEVRE


    Difficult to access with his cart. Radius too narrow. The prices are correct and the staff friendly and smiling. Too bad the store itself makes you not want to go back.

  • Anjarasoa Ramamiarinaivo

    Anjarasoa Ramamiarinaivo



  • Valérie Bonheur - Magique Life

    Valérie Bonheur - Magique Life


    Leclerc express is a small supermarket. I go there for breakdown assistance because when it comes to doing the big shopping anyway I have to go elsewhere to complete because each time there are empty shelves. When I say empty, I'm not talking about a missing mark, no. For example, the last time there was no more toilet paper but absolutely nothing (see photo). In short, otherwise the prices remain more or less correct for Reunion. The concern being that if you want to take advantage of all the promotions you will have to go to a hypermarket. Indeed, promotions are limited in Leclerc express. The store itself is dated, gives the impression of not being very clean. The parking lot is a bit messy. It is however accessible to people with reduced mobility. The staff are professional and friendly. I recommend all the same, despite a limited choice but only for small races. Personally, I prefer to go to Leclerc Sainte Marie, much better stocked and especially where I can take advantage of all the promotions, something not insignificant on Reunion Island.

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