HELILAGON de Saint-Paul




🕗 horaire

2, Chemin Summer №1, 97460, Saint-Paul, RE Reunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 55 55 55
site web: www.helilagon.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.035243, Longitude: 55.260906

commentaires 5

  • en



    wow Wow Wow Wow wow yuppy

  • Anne Marije

    Anne Marije


    This is awesome. If you have a chance to take a helicopter flight, do so. The island is amazing from above. Try to fly on a sunny day, but even if there's some clouds it's still spectacular. The people on the phone and behind the counter were very friendly and spoke English very well. The pilot even told his story in English. They came to pick us up at our hotel, so no need for a bus or a rental car. Sure, it's not cheap, but it's absolutely worth the money.

  • Toby Jennings

    Toby Jennings


    Great views of the island, and the best way to see the Volcano

  • Michal Pelc

    Michal Pelc


    The company is very professional. You can make booking by the phone or on-line in the internet. The phone operators and pilots speak fluently English. It was said that the pilot would be able to provide the commented flight also in German or Spanish language. There is parking lot just in front the main company heliport.

  • paul popol

    paul popol


    Yes Hellilagon

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