Ananda Govinda de Saint-Paul

RéunionAnanda Govinda



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Saint-Paul 97460, Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 692 82 87 86
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0439096, Longitude: 55.2670944

commentaires 5

  • Lara Beaudemoulin

    Lara Beaudemoulin


    Excellent, I have never been disappointed coming here 😁 The trays are very well served, not very greasy and delicious Pleasant staff

  • Ph D

    Ph D


    Excellent vegetarian biryani to go, very nice surprise.

  • enzo branlé

    enzo branlé


    very good living

  • Lu_



    I'm a vegetarian and was thrilled to try Ananda Govinda's dishes at the food truck during the Safiko festival! I chose the biryani which was delicious and full of flavor, and a vegetable fritter which I liked too. I want to try the other dishes now!

  • Al_ GM

    Al_ GM


    Excellent vegetarian dishes Fried mines like those you can taste in Mauritius, Delicious Bryani Heartwarming welcome !!! To discover absolutely if it is not already done! Closed in the evening. Take-out sale only.

Restaurant la plus proche

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