Côté Cannelle et Spa chambre d'hotes de charme de Saint Paul

RéunionCôté Cannelle et Spa chambre d'hotes de charme



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63 Route de Fatima St Gilles les hauts, St Paul 97435, Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 692 54 42 32
site web: www.cotecannelle.fr
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0505778, Longitude: 55.2830267

commentaires 5

  • Kairy LK

    Kairy LK


    Loyal customer, I think I have tested all the formulas, in love, with mom, between cousins ​​for a bachelor party, brunch, relaxation, with the night, with or without massage. The welcome is always smiling, the infrastructures equal to themselves. The brunch has gone upmarket since the arrival of the cook ^^ For me it's one of the best value for money on the island and that's why I go back regularly :-)

  • nanou T

    nanou T


    Great relaxing weekend with the girls! Very warm and friendly welcome by the assistant manager who made sure we had an unforgettable time! Team at the top, always smiling which in the end makes this little relaxing weekend very pleasant! We recommend the relaxation formula with the massage which is exquisite!

  • Bill PP

    Bill PP


    Hello Very friendly welcome, super good jacuzzi with powerful jets. Hammam, spotlessly clean. Room side, small but enough to sleep. The small TV is badly placed. Bathroom. The shower heads should be changed but overall it's pretty good. The evening meal, the choice between two fish or meat dishes, but very good. Breakfast very good.🙏🏾❤️❤️

  • Kin Kee

    Kin Kee


    We reserved the bungalow, everything was nice and clean, the owner is adorable, the place is very quiet and zen and the service was exellent! I recommend the place to anyone who wants to relax!

  • Thomas Mehlhausen

    Thomas Mehlhausen


    People are very unfriendly and are keen to reap as much money from you as they can. I would never ever come there again and was shocked how money-driven they are. I payed for my stay and they gave my room to somebody else and didnt want to give me back my money! I have never ever experienced anything like that! Better take another accomodation!!!

SPA la plus proche

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