Burger King Centhor de Saint Paul

RéunionBurger King Centhor



🕗 horaire

4 ter, Route de l'Éperon, 97435, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-3, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 83 00 00
site web: www.burgerkingreunion.re
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0439648, Longitude: 55.2661982

commentaires 5

  • Séraphin Bataille

    Séraphin Bataille


    Slow and really unfriendly service! Does not provide a carton for drinks, result on opening: 2 sips of drink, cold and wet fries. We are asked for the choice of sauce but they never put the right ones, are the teams formed or? A small hygiene check would not be too much!

  • Valak Kalav

    Valak Kalav


    Never disappointed. I don't understand the negative reviews. Order on the spot instead of uber eats etc.. You complain that it's cold afterwards. Regarding the quantities, no problem either. The only problem I had was one afternoon around 2:30 p.m., I arrived at the terminal, and there, I waited 10 minutes, you had no one to take the order, I went to McDonalds. So

  • Amélie Félix

    Amélie Félix


    Hello, I ordered a steak house menu, the meat was spoiled. After reporting the information to the young manager, he did not apologize more than that and on the contrary wants to be right. They put the fault on the machine or it is about the quality of the meat. Before, I had taken a tender crips menu, the meat was raw. We won't be back, but be careful, it could turn against you one day.

  • Steve Broyer

    Steve Broyer


    Every time I come to your place there is a problem, 3 sauces for 4 menus, we take the King fries, the 2 trays are not even 1/4 full, it's called pure and simple theft, please do something or you will get bad publicity.

  • Mew Erina

    Mew Erina


    A normal burger king where you wait less than the others, the space is also bigger, the meal was hot but 10 seconds later it was already cold and I didn't even order Uber Eat so it's not normal.

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