Panoli pizz de Le Port

RéunionPanoli pizz


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9, Avenue de la Commune de Paris, 97420, Le Port, Canton du Port, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 43 87 52
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9382034, Longitude: 55.2909151

commentaires 5

  • Jean Hoarau

    Jean Hoarau


    Super good chawarma, I'm a good eater, but I stopped halfway, well stocked, and super super good 👍🏼

  • Salmaa MK

    Salmaa MK


    Very nice welcome,👌🏽 we are spoiled for choice, but we were in a hurry and they had been effective as much for the good timing of the pizzas as for the taste! Flawless ! 😋 delicious, yum! The smell in the car made everyone agree 👍🏾

  • Ludovik Taristass

    Ludovik Taristass


    22 years old already mi eats at panoli pizz nothing to say When customer i come back these that good And great service

  • JHONNY Prod

    JHONNY Prod


    The whole kebab at 6.50 € is incredible it is worth its price. It is well filled with sauce and garnish. But you have to order a little in advance because otherwise you won't be able to buy it.

  • Maë Va

    Maë Va


    Great snack bar

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