Boulangerie Paul Barachois de Saint-Denis

RéunionBoulangerie Paul Barachois



🕗 horaire

Avenue de la Victoire, 97400, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 56 05 60
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.8741019, Longitude: 55.4469388

commentaires 5

  • Leona K

    Leona K


    No vegetarian options and they refused to make a baguette with cheese when asked friendly - they even responded quite unfriendly.

  • Evan K

    Evan K


    I went here for breakfast. I had the croissant, strawberry tartlette, and the coffee eclair. The staff were friendly and forgiving of my very rough french (they spoke English as well). The pastries were delicious!

  • FABIAN Mitrache

    FABIAN Mitrache


    The smile is ever-present here and the product are fresh and cooked "in the time you order-like style) Very good coffee and croissants.

  • Matthew Kemp

    Matthew Kemp


    Didn't stay because there were birds in the bread slicer. Not from Reunion - is this normal??

  • Rajiv Dunneram

    Rajiv Dunneram


    My favourite spot for RDV’s in Saint-Denis. Good selection, helpful staff & great location.

Boulangerie la plus proche

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