Zou! Boutik à lire de Saint Paul

RéunionZou! Boutik à lire



🕗 horaire

81, Rue Fond Generese, 97435, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-3, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 692 26 40 03
site web: www.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0457346, Longitude: 55.2565935

commentaires 5

  • Céline Lizin

    Céline Lizin


    Super nice atypical and relaxing

  • Joëlle Grange

    Joëlle Grange


    Pretty shop with exterior where you can have a drink, several poster rooms, adult and children's books, children's games and a small playground on site, hammocks, it's relaxation. !

  • Audrey Gachignard

    Audrey Gachignard


    We went for something other than books, being on vacation, but I have to say... what a wonderful bookstore!! I would like to spend my day there! Cozy corners, very welcoming staff... a corner of paradise for young and old book lovers!




    A small haven of peace for children and parents. A fine selection of books, small authors, real treasures. The welcome is so pleasant, the tea and the gourmandi'z...a delight. Everything is delicious. In short, a cave of little sweets

  • Nikki Tardif

    Nikki Tardif


    Great place to shop for kids books, or just sit, sip and relax with a book. Very kid-friendly! Very warm shopkeepers.

Librairie la plus proche

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