Bookshop Stationer Arc-en-Ciel de Saint-Denis

RĂ©unionBookshop Stationer Arc-en-Ciel



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21, Avenue Pierre Mendes France, 97490, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-1, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 97 60 82
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.902519, Longitude: 55.481002

commentaires 5

  • L’inimitable PoĂšte

    L’inimitable Poùte


    An icy welcome from the bookseller. Excuse me if I'm inconveniencing you sir... Professionalism: 0 out of 20. Home: 0 out of 20. My dissatisfaction: 20,000 out of 20.

  • Paul BONCAR (Nocteria)

    Paul BONCAR (Nocteria)


    Incredible experience, relaxing, the meals are excellent, the staff welcoming. A 10/10. Just perfect.

  • ThĂ©o Granado

    Théo Granado


    By far the best lunchtime food in the neighborhood! Delicious wraps and baggels. Thanks to the team!

  • Magnolia



    Good reception. Just a bit small places. For a short coffee break, the cakes are quiet and delicious. Otherwise the managers are nice. Proximity đŸ‘ŒđŸ°đŸŒźđŸ©đŸ§‰â˜• Regarding the Bookstore part, you can find stationery, books and lots of other very useful things for students etc...📒📘📂

  • Maika Techer

    Maika Techer


    Nice place but unfortunately I was not very well received. No hello or goodbye. That's a shame. And a cappuccino without any froth. I will return hoping to be able to change my comment because the place is top.

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