Super U de Trois Bassins

RéunionSuper U



🕗 horaire

13, Chemin des Franciceas, 97426, Trois Bassins, Canton de Saint-Leu, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 54 65 20
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.1066, Longitude: 55.2997

commentaires 5

  • Aldine Tangamoutou

    Aldine Tangamoutou


    Staff at the top. Very nice store

  • Florent Bouckenooghe

    Florent Bouckenooghe


    A medium-sized supermarket with an efficient team, good compromise, just the butcher's corner which has a somewhat limited choice. A bargain corner, a good-sized car park with two electric vehicle charging stations

  • Liliane Saint-Alme

    Liliane Saint-Alme


    There is a lack of fresh fish, the shelves are not regularly replenished. Otherwise it's good

  • Adelys Royal

    Adelys Royal


    Super U Trois Bassins is a welcoming, pleasant and clean medium-sized store. You can find quality fresh products for a long time (zantak, dreams, potatoes, brèdes etc...) You can also find household appliances (freezer, washing machine, etc.) You can also make duplicate keys. It seems to me that on Saturday and Sunday you can find grilled chickens in the parking lot, frills... I find that the prices remain reasonable compared to the Super U in the big cities. Accessible to people with reduced mobility with parking spaces in front. A wheelchair-accessible toilet. Ample parking. To discover if you go to Trois Bassins.

  • Josette Bertil

    Josette Bertil



Location de voiture la plus proche

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