Super U de Saint-Paul

RéunionSuper U



🕗 horaire

Route de l'Éperon, 97460, Saint-Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-3, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 38 08 08
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0425217, Longitude: 55.2665487

commentaires 5

  • consultant coaching (Consultant Coaching)

    consultant coaching (Consultant Coaching)


    Great super u store, like home. You can find all the common consumer products, a wide choice of vegetables and fruits, a very large cold aisle. The smiling staff and good advice knows how to guide us in our choices. A large free car park, however a small lack in the signage to access it. In the gallery good memos. A good store accessible by its prices at the top

  • Florent Bouckenooghe

    Florent Bouckenooghe


    A supermarket that is neither too big nor too small with butcher, fishmonger, charcuterie and cheese, fruit and vegetable departments. Too bad no longer possible to buy minced meat, the device has been broken for 3 months. A good compromise if not between size and choice of products, the car park is a bit tight, sometimes difficult to find a place.

  • Lukas L

    Lukas L


    Good shop with big selection. Conveniently located. Sometimes the parking lot is quite a mess due to the narrow entrance.




    Not to mention the fact that very regularly the prices displayed do not correspond to the checkout and overall the prices are quite high, I find the human sense of this store lamentable!!! Let me explain: this morning following my sports session at the room located above the shopping center the padlock of my locker was blocked! I asked for help with security and reception. These 2 departments told me that in this supermarket their maintenance department was not equipped with pliers capable of cutting a small padlock. So I was stuck without a car key and money alone to wait.... Thanks again to the team of this supermarket which humanly is pitiful.

  • marie emeline tatoué

    marie emeline tatoué



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