Leader Price de Saint Paul

RéunionLeader Price



🕗 horaire

330, rue St Louis, 97460, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-1, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 45 47 60
site web: www.leaderprice.re
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0003423, Longitude: 55.2817118

commentaires 5

  • Florent Duphil

    Florent Duphil


    Even less waiting at the till thanks to 4 new automatic tills, in addition to the 7 existing tills. A dedicated cashier, at your service for your comfort. At Leader Price, automatic checkouts do not eliminate jobs. Looking forward to welcoming you, in store or at our Drive service

  • 057mick



    A short time ago I was shopping at their place, then I noticed a sharp increase in prices, without justification, of chicken from Poland, at 12th per kilo frozen? Seriously, it sold for 4.5e per kilo, consumed locally? But maybe we should sell some and at the right price, steak chopping at 20th, charal or not charal. Brief store avoided now

  • Ysabelle Cherie

    Ysabelle Cherie


    Beautiful, tidy and clean fruits and vegetables. Reasonable prices not excessive. Great welcome. Large car park

  • Whensley Edouard

    Whensley Edouard



  • La Queen

    La Queen


    Bonjour mmmu0p W

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