Leu Salé et Sucré de Saint-Leu

RéunionLeu Salé et Sucré



🕗 horaire

227, Rue du Geneal Lambert, 97436, Saint-Leu, Canton de Saint-Leu, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 693 66 88 67
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.1728207, Longitude: 55.2883681

commentaires 5

  • Leila P

    Leila P


    I had a cheesecake it was super good 😍 very nice staff, I recommend

  • F p (Alias)

    F p (Alias)


    Super welcoming owner very friendly. The super good ice creams my friends from mainland France really appreciated and the setting at the top thank you I would come back.

  • CĂ©cile Brottier

    CĂ©cile Brottier


    Delicious ! I went there for the first time to eat a tartare which was very fresh and perfectly balanced then I went back to take tubs of ice cream, they are all homemade with original flavors and perfect in the mouth I recommend!!

  • peggy MARC-FLOYRAC

    peggy MARC-FLOYRAC


    Top restaurants with a great exchange Divine cuisine delicious ice cream

  • Pierre Fol'Art

    Pierre Fol'Art


    During my holidays in Reunion, we found this little restaurant that makes delicious ice cream and waffles that are just magnificent! I had left to take just a little something and finally I let myself be tempted by the salted butter caramel waffle, banana, slivered almonds and scoop of ice cream. Really a delight and the hostess is adorable. One more week to go back 😁 I really recommend if you are in the area of ​​St Leu

Restaurant la plus proche

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