Chez Stéphanie de Saint-Leu

RéunionChez Stéphanie



🕗 horaire

135, Rue du General Lambert, 97436, Saint-Leu, Canton de Saint-Leu, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 68 89 33
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.169429, Longitude: 55.2881965

commentaires 5

  • kammerer pascal

    kammerer pascal



  • Olivier JUDITH

    Olivier JUDITH



  • eric leroy

    eric leroy


    The experience can be quite disappointing so I don't recommend it. Only for the curious. The lady's attitude can ruffle you, or the untidy, unclean aspects of the floor, etc. Too often you get mainly bones when you opt for duck or "cabri" "cerf" etc... It's overrated af; Stéphanie is not such an "awesome" chef, but it's good, when you're lucky to get a fair that sense, rather take fish. And don't argue. Yes, she is quite self centered and unpredictable. Cash only. March 2021

  • Stefan Vinzenz-Kraus

    Stefan Vinzenz-Kraus


    Top meal nice people ! Must have on Reunion

  • Sandra



    She was very rude to us because our French isn't the best (but we can speak it) .. don't go there if you aren't French...she said goodbye to us without giving us the food

Restaurant la plus proche

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