KALLISTE de Saint-Leu




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257, Rue du General Lambert, 97436, Saint-Leu, Canton de Saint-Leu, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 693 81 75 63
site web: www.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.1740383, Longitude: 55.2879692

commentaires 5

  • Jacob and Sabine McMahon-Lepere

    Jacob and Sabine McMahon-Lepere


    Best in st-leu!

  • Sandy BRUNSWIG

    Sandy BRUNSWIG


    Excellent value for money small pleasant friendly restaurant the dishes are prepared with very good quality products fresh seasonal products

  • Raffaele Chiandussi

    Raffaele Chiandussi


    Very nice restaurant with a lot of vegan options. The place is clean and the owners are nice and friendly. The vegan burger was yummy!!

  • Nirmal Pregassame

    Nirmal Pregassame


    Fresh homemade food. You can also get vegetarian options too.

  • Mariangela Barbosa

    Mariangela Barbosa


    Kalliste is our favorite restaurant in St. Leu. You can always count on excellent food, friendly service and a comfortable atmosphere. The vegan/vegetarian dishes are great and the seafood is always fresh at a higher level of food preparation and presentation.

Restaurant la plus proche

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